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1. WHO are we empathizing with?
2. What they need to DO?
6. What do they HEAR? 6. What do they HEAR? 6. What do they HEAR? 6. What do they HEAR?
7. Gains 7. Gains 7. Gains
8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains 8. Pains
3. What do they SEE?
4.What do they SAY?
5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?5. What they Do? 5. What they Do?

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